There is an unbreakable bond between the body and the mind. There is a shared memory. There is also a mechanical system outside of consciousness. Consider how much busier your life would be if you had to take charge of the digestion of foods; the processing of liquids; the elimination of toxins and the usage and storage of nutrients.
Narrative and the ”Safe” Nervous System
Many individuals arrive in therapy because a betrayal has left them struggling against an onslaught of feelings. After someone has suffered betrayal, by a loved one or even a colleague, they can find it very difficult to remaster feelings of trust for others. Many have said to me that they will never fully trust anyone again.
People Pleasing
Many of us have a person in our life who makes us feel badly. Try as we may to be helpful or kind even attentive, this person makes us feel as though we are failing and can’t get it right. We feel an even stronger need to please them, to try and get it right for them. The person who makes you feel this way Id like to call a tar baby. I borrow this term from Eve Babitz, (« Slow Days, Fast Company » 1977).
Announcing the new website
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website!