About Jennifer Kaplan
- EMDR certified
- Masters in Science in Social Work, Columbia University M.S., C.S.W.R.
- Sandra Seacat, Jungian Dream Analysis
- Sarah Lawrence College, B.A.
Additional Studies
- Harvard Medical Conferences, Treating Addictions
- Ackerman Institute
- Spirituality in Psychotherapy, Marion Woodman
- Fertility Naturally
- National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis
- National Institute for Psychotherapies
- Metropolitan Institute for Psychotherapies
Group work
- Unlocking your inner artist
- How to get pregnant
- Relationship counseling/ co-dependence unlocked
- Dreams and the dreamer
- Red Cross Volunteer September 11th, 2001 Mental Health provider at NYC crisis centre.
- Regular dream analyst on “Just Jenny” on Sirius XM tm
- “Talking about Sexual Harassment in the Workplace” WNET
MY Policies/ Practice
I am a deeply caring and committed Psychotherapist with twenty years of experience in this field. I am honest, forthright and intuitive. I give a lot of feedback and insight. I am an excellent dream analyst. My time is very valuable and so is yours so I will only see you if I think I can help. I have a wide network of referrals that I can make if your presenting issues require other professional treatments or help.
If you feel that you are ready to change and need support making those changes I’d like to help you. My cancellation policy is 48 hours notice so that I have the maximum possibility to reschedule everyone within the week. It is very important that everyone attend therapy once ( and sometimes twice) a week in my practice. I take vacations and I hope my clients will as well. So clients are not responsible to pay for sessions when there is a holiday. I am willing to scale my fees where a client requires this help. My standard fee is $250/hr.