Grief/Loss Therapy, Counseling Toronto, ON

It can be very lonely and frightening to grieve alone. Therapy provides a container for grief and loss. It can be a place to leave some feelings instead of having to carry the grief alone. When you leave the office, after each session, you are able to leave some of your sadness behind. The process of grieving can take many forms and therapy will alleviate much of the heaviness so that your life can still move forward. Learning to live with loss is worth working on and may be the only path. Connecting with the pain of loss is a path to a much deeper understanding of the love that what shared. It helps broaden one's understanding of oneself to allow for an exploration in therapy of the feelings of grief and loss.

Treatment/Counseling for: Depression | Anxiety | Grief/Loss | Separation/Divorce | Professional Development | Intimacy Issues | Addiction

Jennifer Kaplan provides Grief/Loss Therapy, Counseling and other Psychotherapy Services & sees patients from Toronto, North York, Etobicoke and (via the internet) abroad.

Contact Jennifer Kaplan Therapy M.S., R.S.W. to know more about Grief/Loss Therapy, Counseling across Toronto, ON